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Home prices clocked their highest year since 2006, amid the global pandemic, or maybe because of it. Per the National Association of Realtors’ monthly survey, the annual rate of current home transactions in December grew to more than six million, seasonally tweaked, up 0.7 percent from November and 22 percent when compared to another year.

It was a powerful end to a year that saw over five million existing homes exchange hands, an increase of 5.6 percent to the highest level since 2006 from 2019. Residential building has also been the largest amount of activity since 2006, while confidence in homebuilders has started to fall over the past pair of months, amid housing inventory levels at record lows.

With over a million units on the market, the number of existing homes for rent struck another record low. Those homes will be sold within just over a month or two at the present sales rate. Seventy percent of the homes sold were listed for under a month back in December.

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