You may make good money but you have little credit. How is such a thing possible? Perhaps you stay away from using credit cards or you only pay for things in cash. Regardless of the reason, you’ve decided it’s time to buy a home. However, without credit, how do you go about it?
To find your credit history, you’ll need to use other sources Do you pay for utilities where you currently reside? Do you rent and have records of paying on time? Do you mobile phone plan receipts? These can be used as indicators of having good credit but since they aren’t used by bureaus, it requires a little more legwork to prove.
So, how do you go about securing the money for the home? You can attempt to seek a mortgage from a traditional bank, but you may find that they’re unwilling to go through the extra hoops of having to examine your credit history when it can’t be pulled up easily as they would do with other applicants. You will have better luck working with smaller or non-traditional Investors.
If banks and mortgage investors aren’t working, you may a hard money lender like Monroe Funding Corporation can help with getting the money you need despite not having credit. We’ll examine your non-traditional payment history and find a financing solution that works.
This update is by hard money loans Miami company Monroe Funding Corporation, a direct equity lender serving clients throughout Central and South Florida. We specialize in first mortgages on non-owner occupied residential and commercial property investments as well as real estate loan options. Our fast and flexible loan programs get you to the closing table quickly and professionally. For more information on Florida hard money lending or Tampa hard money lending, please call 954-816-0388 or fill out our application.